“Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life. The very first words, then, that I would like to say to every young Christian are these: Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive!” – Pope Francis… Read more...
Pope's Prayer Intentions for 2025The Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network is a pontifical work with the mission of mobilizing Catholics through prayer and action, in the face of the challenges confronting humanity and the mission of the Church. These challenges are addressed in the form of prayer… Read more...
In the gentleness of the Child of Bethlehem, God whispers to the frightened human heart – do not be afraid, trust in me, for together we can conquer all that weighs us down. Hold my hand and let 2025 be the year that together we cross our own “bridge of hope”.
“As we stand before the crib this Christmas, let us pause and wonder at how God reaches out to us in the ordinary situations of our everyday lives.”— Bishop Michael Duignan
The Jubilee Year - Pilgrims of HopeIn May, Pope Francis announced the theme for Jubilee Year 2025: Pilgrims of Hope (Spes non Confundit – Hope Does Not Disappoint).
‘To be a people of hope!' Bishops’ statement for Election 2024 and questions for candidatesRead on or see https://www.catholicbishops.ie/2024/11/20/to-be-a-people-of-hope-bishops-statement-for-election-2024-and-questions-for-candidates/Key takeaways:
Spiritual preparation for Christmas: a set of three talks at 8.00pm on the first three Wednesdays of Advent, held in Áras Naofa, St Oliver Plunkett Church, Renmore.
'Go and invite everyone to the banquet.'World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries. It takes place in every parish worldwide where the Church is present. For Mission Sunday 2024, Pope Francis has chosen the theme ‘Go and invite everyone… Read more...
During the Autumn General Meeting of the Bishops’ Conference, bishops approved a pastoral letter on the significant theme of welcoming the immigrant. 'A Hundred Thousand Welcomes?' explores what hospitality for migrant people means in contemporary Ireland.
An Ghailíl – Centre of Formation for Mission and Ministry. A joint venture between the Diocese of Galway and the Diocese of Clonfert, this new Centre aims to meet the evolving needs of lay ministry and religious education.
Pope Francis emphasises that faith is not something to be confined to the past or treated as a relic, but rather it is a living encounter with Jesus that has the power to transform our lives. Over these six sessions we will look at our faith from a Biblical perspective and understand how it has… Read more...
As part of the novena of preparation for the visit of Saint Bernadette’s relics to the dioceses of Galway and Clonfert, and during the relics' stay, hundreds of petitions and messages of thanksgiving were submitted.
"Exploring Priesthood" Open Days are an opportunity for Catholic men (aged 18 and over) who would like to find out more about the ministry and life of a diocesan priest.
Galway Cathedral welcomes the gifting of a painted replica of the revered “Weeping Virgin Mother of Győr” painting, graciously presented to the Diocese of Galway by His Excellency Bishop András Veres of Győr, Hungary, on a recent visit to Ireland.